If you’re watching a video on youtube or any other site and you like the song you can record it on audacity and import it into iTunes.
Step One: Make sure you have audacity if not download it now http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Step Two: Find a song or video you want the audio from, then open audacity
Step Three: On the top right hand corner of audacity, where it says microphone click the toolbar and change it to stereo mix
Step Four: Open the website you want to copy audio from like YouTube
Step Five: Make sure you have the right volume you want then press record on audacity
Step Six: Press play on YouTube then listen to the whole song
Step Seven: At the end of the song press the stop button on audacity, if you want to edit the song you can do it now
Step Eight: If you want to export the song to iTunes or any other music playback program on audacity click file – export as wav then save it as whatever you like
Step Nine: Open iTunes then click file-open or Ctrl + O then find where you saved your song then open it. It will now be in your iTunes library and you will be able to listen to it on your iPod