Tuesday, March 16, 2010


What type of game are you going to produce?
I will make a platform game it will be fighting enemies and collecting stuff.

What will it look like?
It will have different floors and lots of enemies. It will have hidden items and it won't be too hard.

How will the characters be controlled?
The characters will be controlled by the space bar and arrow keys as well as some letters.

What will be the objective of the game?
The object of the game will be trying to kill enemies and find the escape pod.

How are you going to test its functionality?
I will test it out to see if it works and if there are any glitches in it.

How will it be evaluated?
It will be evaluated on the overall gameplay, how the design is and how fun it is.

How long will you need to create it? Give a timeline for its completion.
I will work hard and try and get it completed by the given timeline.

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