Monday, March 15, 2010


What makes a "good" game enjoyable to play?

A good game is something that you can have fun with and will be able to keep your attention for a long time. You also want the game to be a little challenging because if in the game all you have to do is kill one person and your done in 30 seconds it wouldn't be very fun. You also want a game that your able to play a couple times if you beat one time you might want to try again and change some stuff that you did. Ex. Using only one weapon or item.

What makes a "bad" game not enjoyable to play?
A bad game would be a game with a lot of the same things if all the levels are the same. It would also be a bad game if the enemies were to easy to beat or if you get a really good weapon at the start of the game. It wouldn't be a good game if there was a lot of glitches or places were you could get stuck.

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